
It is often said that happiness comes from the inside rather than from the outside. This statement is absolutely true, think about it…no material things can gives true happiness…a beautiful home, luxury cars, a wardrobe packed with glamorous pieces, and the likes are merely reflections of success. Unfortnately, there are some of us who pursue success thinking that it will result in happiness.

Family and friends can’t make you happy, you are the one possessing the inward capability to grasp hold of it indeed, you alone have the power to your happiness, no outside forces can impart it to you.

FIVE ways to ensure your happiness:
1. Put your trust in  the super natural being
2. Be thankful for who you are and for what you have (love you for you)
3. Don’t compare yourself with others
4. Avoid negativity, gossips and pessimism
5. Do the things that’s best for you, let your actions reflect your  passion


Until next time,